In 2013, Tseshaht entered into a contract with Parks Canada to deliver a Beach Keeper Program in our valuable homelands, the Broken Group Islands (BGI). Tseshaht Beach Keeper Staff are responsible for welcoming campers, providing orientation, interpretive programs that educated about Tseshaht culture and history and about the Parks natural features. The Beach Keepers also do maintenance of campsites, and check permits and assisted Parks Canada staff. The Beach Keepers were temporarily housed at an older Tseshaht cabin on Nettle Island while awaiting their permanent accommodations on Keith Island.
Almost a decade later we have learned that having Tseshaht people working in and connected with our lands in the Broken Group Islands (BGI) through the Beach Keepers Program has increased connection of our members to our hahoulthi, increased knowledge about the stories and teachings of our place names, village sites, history and archaeology in the BGI. We have also increased the level of safety for our visitors in providing assistance to the Coast Guard as needed.
2024 Tseshaht Beach Keeper Supporters & Contributors