c̓išaaʔatḥ (Tseshaht) Language Program
ƛ̓um̓aaʔamin suw̓a
(We welcome you.)
The c̓išaaʔatḥ Language Program launched in June 2019 and has grown out of and continued to build upon the wealth of language resources created by previous Tseshaht language projects and champions.
Since 2019, the team has been documenting our fluent speakers and making this language available on our FirstVoices site. We have also been developing resources, creating a curriculum, and implementing an intensive program for adults with the aim to create speakers and teachers of our language.
The two main focuses of our program are the Adult Intensive Program launched in 2020 and the continued documentation of fluent speakers shared on our FirstVoices portal.
We acknowledge all the hard work and all the people that created such a strong foundation for our community to move forward towards our language vision. We have many language resources including audio recordings, videos, books, FirstVoices that are essential to all the work and success of our program.
Language Strategy – Tseshaht Language Strategic Plan – January 2020
Join our Facebook page Tseshaht Language where we post videos, resources, and announcements.
Adult Intensive Program

The c̓išaaʔatḥ Adult Intensive program was launched in October 2020, and since then, we have welcomed a small cohort of new learners each year. The intensive program is part-time and accommodates learners at different levels who learn together simultaneously. Our goal is to build a strong team by creating a safe and enjoyable environment for students to learn and teach conversational language without relying on reading, writing, or translations.
For information or if you are interested in applying to our program click here.
Documentation and Recording

Our documentation and recording team are committed to building a comprehensive collection of our language for learners and teachers in our community and beyond. Every week, the team collaborates with fluent speakers to record words, phrases, and stories, which are then edited and uploaded to the c̓išaaʔatḥ FirstVoices platform.
As of July 2024, our FirstVoices portal offers 2384 words and 1366 phrases, with new additions made regularly. These files include audio to assist with pronunciation. Additionally, the site features short language-learning videos in the stories section.
Visit our FirstVoices site https://www.firstvoices.com/tseshahtlanguage
We also have a language app you can find it under Tseshaht here https://www.firstvoices.com/apps