Hello Tseshaht!
Josh here!

I am thinking of everyone in our community and can’t wait until we can gather again!

The Fisheries and Forestry portion of the CCP is complete, thank you to everyone who participated! Thank you to Pam Shaw and Vancouver Island University for your support in thoroughly going through our information and creating incredible results!

It is Land Use time! and Pam Shaw and VIU will be helping with the data analysis again! Thank you!

Let’s Safely Gather! We need your vision, creativity and ideas for the land, water, and resources within our territory.

Where: Administration office November 8th (Sunday),  9th(Monday) and 10th(Tuesday): 10am-7pm. (Masks, Social Distancing, and Hand Sanitization is mandatory)

Our Community is Growing! and we need more housing, employment, Ec Dev, Tourism, Land Protection and more, but where! This is the first of many upcoming Land use engagements. This is our opportunity to have our input, voice, thoughts, feelings on how our lands, waters, and resources should be used as we move forward. This is our opportunity to set the foundation for our next generations.

Map packages will be delivered to on-reserve households(Monday November 2nd); please have a look, think about it, talk about it, colour, write, draw, and jot down your ideas. You can either complete them and drop them off at the office or bring them to one of our engagement sessions with your questions, concerns or suggestions. All input is important!

For those that live away from home, attached is a digital copy. Please have a look, if you are unable to get these maps to me directly, please don’t hesitate to connect with me and we can figure out a way to receive your input! My information will be at the bottom.

Also! your children’s voices can and need to be heard too! We hope they can participate by simply colouring our territory however they like, and while doing so they can learn about our Territory also! Let them be creative, there is no wrong or right way to do it, let them draw, write, and doodle! Children’s maps of our territory will be available online in digital copy and hardcopy at the office. Once completed, drop off the maps at the office and they will be entered into our colouring contest!

All Maps will be available to access at the office and online.

We will be giving away prizes for those who complete a map!

Each submission puts your name into a draw for a prize. (you can only win a prize once).

You must be Tseshaht.

Deadline to submit a map is November 13th, 2020. 4:00pm at the Tseshaht Administration office.

Draws will be done via live on Tseshaht First Nation’s Facebook page

Prizes are subject to age groups and will be organized accordingly. Please submit Full name, if under the age of 19, Please submit full name and age.

  • 19 and up: Top prize is $500 Cash!!!
  • 12-19: Top Prize is $250 Cash!!!
  • 7-11(Children’s Colouring Maps or Regular maps): Top Prize is $100 Cash
  • 0-6 (Children’s Colouring Maps): Top Prize is $50 Cash
  • Random Draws: $100 Cash & New Tseshaht Swag will be drawn throughout evening.

Contact Information:
Joshua Goodwill
CCP Champion
Email: Jgoodwill@tseshaht.com
Phn: 250-724-1225

Final Engagement Package
Final Territory Map
Final Childrens Map – Coloring Contest